
1st week Assignment: Technology in Education

I suppose the article was able to clearly point something out that
everyone already knew. That society and technology is changing so
people and students are changing along with it. As a student I can say
that I have observed firsthand the new methods that have been made
possible through the use of technology in the classroom. And it is no
difficult task to see this change across the board. Students are going
through their college studies with technology hand in hand. And why
should the "millenial" generation be the first in history to turn their
backs on the infinite possibilities that progress has offered?
Multi-tasking is for better or worse a side effect of the overwhelming
presence technology has in our lives. The example that the article gave
of a student listening to music, chatting online, etc. while doing their
homework is fairly obvious. I personally don't believe that
multi-tasking equates with a poor work ethic but the point is certainly
up for debate. What is important is that teachers and curriculums
remain vigilant in challenging students appropriately so that the
standards and discipline that the educational system twenty years ago
was founded upon can coalesce into our own culture. And if the
educational system fails in challenging students of the 21st century it
will be because of that system, not because of technological change.

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